How to Define a Space with Accent Chairs

Maybe you are looking to replace the hand me down chair you have moved from college apartment to first house to dream house. Or maybe you need a little extra seating and want to add something with a little pizazz. Or maybe you are redesigning a space and want your chairs to speak life into your room. Whatever the case may be, using chairs to define your space provides functional seating and aesthetics that will bring you back into the room over and over again. We a wide selection of chairs, in frame, design, and color, to help you along the way.


Every room has a mood, or at least can have a mood, and the furniture we place in these spaces have an impact on that. You will want your accent chair to enhance this mood, not distract from it. Think about how you want the space to look, whether that be industrial, floral, antique, old world, farmhouse, cottage, the list could continue on. The mood you want to create will determine the frame of your chair and the materials it is built out of. That isn’t to say you cannot have metal, wood, upholstery, or leather in any of these moods, but how those materials are put together will look different in each type of design. It is one of our favorite parts of crafting furniture – how the same components can look different depending on the eye of the craftsman.


The measurements for your chair will come into play in a number of different ways. First, who is sitting in the chair matters. If you are looking for chairs for your living space, you will want a more standard size as a variety of people may be sitting in the chair over the years. Conversely, if you are looking for a chair for your primary bedroom, you may only care about considering your (and your partner’s) needs. Another measurement to consider is the size of the chair in relation to the space you are wanting to define. You don’t want something too small or too oversized. We recommend bringing your room measurements and other furniture layout to come see our team, and we can help you narrow down to a few appropriate size chairs. While you are thinking about this measurement, you may also want to include the size of any accompanying furniture, like a side table to hold a beverage or other needed item for anyone sitting in your new area.


Are you looking for a chair where you can curl up with your favorite blanket to watch a show or read a new book? Are you looking for a chair where you can work on your laptop and tackle your day? Are you wanting a place to put your feet up and you need reclining features or a coordinating ottoman? More than likely your chair is not just for decoration, so you want to make sure it serves your needs.

If you are ready to start perusing for a new chair or two, come see us at Furniture Source International. We have ideas to get you started. And, if you have time, and want something crafted just for you, we have some options for that, too. Either way, we will help your perfect accent chairs for your space.

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