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Furniture Source International
(979) 690-2917

Brand Spotlight: Ratana

By partnering with different brands, especially for our outdoor and patio furniture, we are guaranteeing we can meet the needs of every client and customer that steps through our doors. No patio, deck, or outdoor space will look the same and not every home has the same needs. By procuring a few different partnerships from companies that meet different needs and have different looks, we can assure satisfaction for you. One of the brands we love, Ratana, provides another one of these great options for you to consider.

By |2022-12-16T09:25:06-06:00June 3, 2021|Brand Spotlight, Outdoor Living|

Brand Spotlight: Golden Rabbit Dishes

Partnering with other businesses has been an enjoyable part of our expansion as we grow and discover more brands we love and want to carry on our showroom floor. By looking for brands with similar values, characteristics, and styles, we can bring a more complete look to what we make and procure ourselves. Golden Rabbit Enamelware has been a natural extension of that idea.

By |2022-12-16T09:48:38-06:00November 24, 2020|Brand Spotlight|

Brand Spotlight: Hanamint

While other parts of the country are starting to winterize their homes and prepare to hunker down for the cold, a large number of our Furniture Source International family are ready to enjoy the outdoors in a larger way. With each degree that drops, the time outside becomes more and more pleasurable. This enjoyment can only be enhanced by the companies we at Furniture Source International partner with, like Hanamint, as their beautiful pieces are brought home.

By |2022-12-16T10:05:30-06:00September 16, 2020|Brand Spotlight, FSI News|
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